Saturday, September 24, 2011

Catching Up

This week was not the most eventful on the calendar for me personally. I did get a follow-up from the headhunter and yes the company still is interested, they presented my resume and yadda, yadda. We will see what happens, I am hoping for the best but I am a pessimist at heart. I did a major clean on the house and made one of the best cheesecakes (Nutella) that I think I have ever made. I am thinking about trying a few more cheesecakes and maybe just selling those out of my home for some pocket cash, just need to perfect a few more recipes.

Now that I have more time on my hands though I am looking more and more at world events. Some big things did happen this week; DADT was finally ended in the US and gay and lesbians can now serve openly. A big step and a big deal, however it was marred by the recent Repuglican debate when a gay serviceman asked a question via internet with video and asked; “In 2010, when I was deployed to Iraq, I had to lie about who I was, because I’m a gay soldier, and I didn’t want to lose my job,” said Stephen Hill, whose image was projected on a large TV screen in the debate hall. “My question is, under one of your presidencies, do you intend to circumvent the progress that’s been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military?” The audience boo'd him. Santorum immediately went on to explain why DADT must be reinstated, and goes on to say that "any type of sexual activity has no place in the military." Okay. Well then that is the most ridiculous answer that could have been given. Gay or straight, sex will occur. It happens. Many soldiers are married to other soldiers so his answer is just plain stupid. However it is not his answer that angers me, what angers me is that he did not even stop and chastise the crowd for booing a serving member of the military. He says he did not hear the boo as he was formulating his answer to the question. What an asshole.

The think that concerns me most is that one of these idiots will be the Repuglican nominee, and all of them are vying for the votes of the Tea Baggers of Christ. Funny how everything that comes out of the mouths of these theocracy wanting nut bags is completely against any christian teachings I am aware of. Also the current President who fired up a new generation of voters on a promise of Change has been lackluster at best. I am curious, and somewhat scared to see how this all turns out in 2012.

In other news we are waiting for a dead satellite to fall to earth. I hear it is about the size of a bus, but no one can seem to pinpoint when or where it will actually fall. It was supposed to last night, but now they are saying sometime this morning. I am fascinated to see that every country is convinced it will crash on their soil, even though approximately 71% of the earth surface is covered by water so I am guessing it will splash down somewhere in a large body of water.

Today we are off to watch rugby here in Stockholm, a final Swedish Cup match, should be fun. Right now the weather is glorious and I hope it stays that way, soon enough the days will shorten dramatically and the general forecast will be gloomy. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and if something interesting happens I will endeavor to write about it. ****UPDATE***** Satellite fell in the Pacific.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Jay, the satellite news were that it fell down this morning. The exact spot was announced too.. they said it's either in Africa or Canada :-)
