Thursday, April 4, 2013

I think the internet can be a strange, crowded, lonely place.

I am fairly active on the internet, being as I have a lot of time on my hands. I am on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and a few other places. One thing all of these places have in common is that people shout (Tweet? Tumbl?) out to the world on a daily basis but it seems that no one ever hears them. Some of these cries are miserably sad, but one thing I wonder is do these people want to actually help themselves, or are they waiting for something to miraculously happen to them via the internet that fixes it all?

It seems that people want to be happy, but they don't seem to want to take the steps to change their situations. I have spoken to more than a few people who are in situations they are not happy with, but when I suggest that they seek out counseling or some other form of assistance, they refuse to do it and just continue on in their path of unhappiness. Quite frankly I can't help but think these people are depressed, but no one can see it because they often limit their interactions to those that take place in cyberspace so no one really sees it.

I know that life can suck, and there are things that are hard that you have to get through but sometimes you need help to do that, and it's okay. Seek it out, but from professionals not from the internet. Work on yourself before you start trying to fix your situation with others, and sometimes making yourself happy means taking back the control you have given to others over you. I have been there before myself, and it isn't easy, but doing the same thing over and over again that you have been doing for years isn't going to change anything.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if it is depression but rather inertia that keeps people in the same patterns. And, some people would much rather have the bad to justify their complaining and attention-seeking behavior.
