I know there are changes that I need to make, and one of the most important is becoming more active again, but that is kind of harder and harder to so the more sedentary you are, and I have come to the conclusion I am pretty damn sedentary. Now that I am 44 I worry about my health in the long term and what my life will be like if I stay like this. I look at friends and acquaintances who have gone down the weight loss path, some with more success than others using many different tools such as surgery or diet and exercise. I do not think surgery is the right way for me personally, I fear I would go through all of that, but my habits would not change so it would be just a matter of time until I would be back in the situation I am today, just older and more frustrated. Please understand that is my view on surgery as it pertains to me, not a judgement on anyone I know who has had the surgery.
I know what I need to do is get off my ass and start small; a walk around the block with the dogs, a bike ride, join a gym but sometimes the first step is the hardest. Watch this space, as it will be a record or accounting of the steps I take to change this. Today is the first of October, so it might as well start today.
Wishing you the best of luck, Jay. I know how hard it can be to change one's habits and lifestyle. But, with willpower, it CAN be done.