Thursday, February 7, 2013

"I'm good enough, I am smart enough, and doggone it people like me"

Stuart Smalley. Wiser words were never spoken. So often we are way harder on ourselves then we would ever allow anyone else to be. A friend of mine on FB posted the quote in the title today and I just had a brain flash (thanks Mike!) in realizing that I have been just down on myself the past week. Since we came home from Canada just before New Year Eve I have not been to the gym, I have had some foot problems that have kept my mobility at a minimum and the generally feeling of 'bleh' that accompanies this time of year has made me look in the mirror and think; "wow, what a piece of crap."

Is that true? No way! I know that, but it is so damn easy to just take a detour down the familiar road of self-loathing. When that happens I try to recognize it for what it is; a brief pity party that is due to current circumstances that will soon pass. I do need to get out and exercise, and as soon as this foot thing is figured out it will happen, but in the meantime I think I need to focus on what is good about myself. Reaffirmation can sound corny but it does work.


  1. I've been feeling the same. No gym since our Xmas vacation and counting the zits. I, like you, blame the constant lack of good weather and abundance of chips.

    Have you thought about swimming?

    1. I'm glad I am not alone. I have thought of swimming and there is a swim hall not far from us, but being as large as I am and as small as Swedes are I am worried about appearing in a swim suit. I know, childish but I guess I just need to get over it.
