Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So much going on in the world; the London riots, The US economy and credit rating in the toilet, and in general the US seemingly entering a holy war. Christians v/s the world, govern by the bible, and all that malarky. 

Changes afoot here with me as well....it is becoming more and more likely that my contract won't be renewed/extended at work so come mid-September I will find myself unemployed. It makes it kind of hard to get up and go in there every day, but I do it so I can try and get as much as I can done and not leave it for others to clean up. If this does come to pass, there will be a very long post about it and how I feel about it, but I will wait until the appropriate time. 

Keep those in London in your thoughts, as well as these guys from San Francisco. This breaks my heart and puts a lot into perspective, but it also pisses me off beyond words. 

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